


Did you hear what happened at yesterday's meeting? Can you believe it?昨天开会发生的事你听说了吗?真不敢相信!If you find those sort of quietly whispered questions about your co-workers irresistible, you're hardly alone. But why are we drawn to gossip?如果一些关于你同事的小八卦令你无法抗拒,恭喜你,你并不是一个人。但是,我们 为什么会被这些八卦所吸引呢?A new study suggests it's because the rumors, innuendo, and hearsay are ultimately all about us — where we rate in the unofficial local hierarchy, and how we might improve our standing.一项新的研究认为这些谣言、暗示和传闻基本上都与我们自身有关,例如我们在非办 公场合的地位以及我们该如何提升我们的身份。


"Gossip recipients tend to use positive and negative group information to improve, promote, and protect the self," writes a research team led by Elena Martinescu of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. "Individuals need evaluative information about others to evaluate themselves."来自荷兰格罗宁根大学(University of Groningen)的埃琳娜?马丁纳斯库(Elena Martinescu)率领团队研究这一问题。他们提到,听到八卦的人会用这些正面的或负 面的消息完善、提升和保护自己。每个人都需要通过他人的评价信息来评价自己。Writing in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,the researchers describe two experiments testing the personal value gossip recipients derive. The first featured 178 university undergraduates who had all previously worked on at least one course assignment with a group of four or more students.该研究报告发表于《个性与社会心理学通报》(Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin)上,研究人员描述了八卦接收者从中获取对个人有利价值的两个实验。


第一 个实验邀请了 178 名在校大学生,他们都曾同四名或四名以上的同学组成小组,一起 完成过至少一项课程作业。Participants "were asked to recall and write a short description of an incident in which a group members shared with them either positive or negative information about another group member's confidence," the researchers write. (Eighty-five received a positive report, 93 a negative one.)研究人员写道,这些被测试者被要求回忆并写下一段简短的描述,描述小组成员之间 一起分享有关于另一组员信心的八卦,无论好坏。(结果表明,85 人接收到的是正面 消息,93 人接收到负面消息。)They then reported their level of agreement with a series of statements. Some of these measured the self-improvement value of the gossip ("The information received made me think I can learn a lot from X"); others measured its self-promotion value ("The information I received made me feel that I am doing well compared to X"). Still others measured whether the gossip raised personal concerns ("The information I received made me feel that I must protect my image in the group").接下来,被测试者要对这些评论表达自己的赞同程度。






